Our day was jammed packed with fun.
- We used our self-made surfboards for a dancing game.
- One group played a "Summer Matching Game" and the other group a "Summer Fun Friendship Board Game."
- But we especially liked the following two projects:
This art project is very simple yet addresses lots of social and communication skills: working with a partner; sharing materials with a peer; taking turns, e.g., with the rolling pin; compromising (e.g., what colors to apply to the paper); using materials as intended; commenting.
A poster board (approximately 11x14) is pre-folded and then opened up again. Campers work in pairs and apply dabs of paint all over the paper with the help of Q-tips. When enough paint in different colors is applied, the paper is folded in half again. Campers can use their hands or a rolling pin to spread around the paint. Then, the paper is opened up again and the kids can admire the design they created and talk about it.
This activity is a combination of an art project and a gross motor game with a big bang at the end. The activity is very popular with a great variety of ages and works for all skill levels. Supplies needed per small group are: canvas, paint in containers with a spoon, big tarp, water balloons.
First, the kids work together and apply blobs of paint to a canvas with a spoon.
Then, the canvas is placed in the middle of a big tarp (it will get messy).
And here is the beautiful painting: