The Clubhouse is the Behavioral Intervention Association's ( after-school program. Once a week, children between the ages of 5 and 12, who have communication and social challenges, meet and engage in fun activities to practice different social skills. The Explorers focus on skills such as staying with the group, greetings, turn taking, participating independently in activities, and brief exchanges with peers. The Adventurers focus on skills such as initiating and maintaining conversations, perspective taking, and negotiating with peers.

BIA Clubhouse: Where Friendship Rules

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Rainbow of Colors: Rainbow Treasure Hunt (The Adventurers)

Today was our last day of BIA's winter session and we had a little party. 

Rainbow Treasure Hunt 
Students had to complete a variety of tasks together in order to find a treasure:
  • Rainbow Bean Bag Toss: The students were divided into small groups. Students tossed bean bags onto a big poster board with different colored landing spots (rainbow colors). Each landing square had a question or statement written onto the square (e.g., “Tell your friends what you are really good at.” / “What games do you like to play?”) that the student had to answer or ask when the bean bag landed on the corresponding square.
  • Silent Cup Game: One student hid a treat under a cup (field of 3) and the other student guessed where the treat was hidden. Only non-verbal communication (e.g., pointing, shaking head) was allowed.
  • Students looked for hidden rainbows in the backyard.
      Party Time

      Wednesday, March 2, 2011

      A Rainbow of Colors: Spin Art (The Explorers)

      Today was our last Clubhouse winter session. We played our favorite games one more time and had a little party.
      • Our top 2 favorite games of the winter Clubhouse were "Rainbow Bowling" and "Freeze Game," closely followed by the "Rainbow Parachute Play" (see below). We also loved doing art.
      • Small Group Art Project "Rainbow Spin Art": A paper plate was placed into a salad spinner. The students added paint with a spoon or eye dropper. They took turns spinning the salad spinner and created interesting patterns. 

      • Rainbow Parachute Play: We explored different ways how to play with a parachute and had fun singing our rainbow chant while creating waves and lifting the parachute up: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE...IT'S A RAINBOW!