The Clubhouse is the Behavioral Intervention Association's ( after-school program. Once a week, children between the ages of 5 and 12, who have communication and social challenges, meet and engage in fun activities to practice different social skills. The Explorers focus on skills such as staying with the group, greetings, turn taking, participating independently in activities, and brief exchanges with peers. The Adventurers focus on skills such as initiating and maintaining conversations, perspective taking, and negotiating with peers.

BIA Clubhouse: Where Friendship Rules

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Adventurers: Transportation Memory (On the Go!)

Memory “Transportation”:  We had fun playing this turn-taking game and tried to find as many pairs as possible. Focus and flexing our memory muscles were required. Of course, the memory cards showed different modes of transportation.

Cooperative Race “The Rope Train”: We worked in teams. We held on to a jump rope with one hand and then started to move together as a group and pretended to be a train. We were not allowed to let go of the rope while we were running. Like our game with the hula hoops from last week, this required lots of cooperation and teamwork. After each completed turn, the player in front moved to the back and a different player took over the position of the driver.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Explorers: Playdoh Wheel Tracks (On the Go!)

"Subway Musical Chairs”: We played this game from last week again and practiced not to bump into our friends while we were looking for a seat on the "subway." This game can be played in a non-competitive way (i.e., no chairs are removed with each stoppage of the music) or in the classic manner (i.e., removing chairs one-by-one with each stoppage of the music).

Sensory Project “Playdoh Wheel Tracks”: We made playdoh using very basic ingredients every one can find in a kitchen cabinet. Then, we used plastic vehicles and created tracks by rolling them. across the plahdoh and compared how different the tracks looked.

Salt Dough Recipe (by Mary Ann Kohl "Mudworks"):
1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup salt
4/4 cup water

Mix all ingredients in bowl and knead into soft dough.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Adventurers: Cooperative Relay "The Train" (On the Go!)

Welcome back Adventurers!!!

Small Group Art Project “Race Car Painting”: We worked with a partner and created paintings using race cars with attached magnets, paint and paper: Raised plexiglass was covered with a piece of paper. Blobs of paint were placed on the paper as well as two race cars.  We moved another magnet against the underside of the plexi 
and painted with the race cars (e.g., making tracks). A very fun and interactive activity.

Cooperative Relay “The Train” : We worked in teams (groups of three or four students). We held on to a hula hoop, pretended to be a train and then moved together as a group. Cooperative relays are a great way to promote teamwork and to work together for a common goal as well as to learn how to pay close attention to a partner(s).

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Exploreres: Wheel Tracks (On the Go!)

Welcome back to our Clubhouse spring session. This time around, it's all about different modes of transportation.

Pretending to be on the subway: Are we there yet?
Warm-up Game “Subway Musical Chairs” : We played this classic game today but pretended to be on a subway. When the music played, we moved around the chairs. When the music stopped, we tried to find a seat "on our subway" as soon as possible. 

Art Project “Wheel Tracks Collage”: First, we  painted a big piece of paper with foam brushes in a dark color to create a street. Then, we used plastic vehicles to make tracks by rolling them through paint first and then rolling the vehicle on the poster board.

Red Light Green Light: What better game to play than Red Light Green Light when it is all about transportation.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012