The Clubhouse is the Behavioral Intervention Association's ( after-school program. Once a week, children between the ages of 5 and 12, who have communication and social challenges, meet and engage in fun activities to practice different social skills. The Explorers focus on skills such as staying with the group, greetings, turn taking, participating independently in activities, and brief exchanges with peers. The Adventurers focus on skills such as initiating and maintaining conversations, perspective taking, and negotiating with peers.

BIA Clubhouse: Where Friendship Rules

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Games Galore: Red Light/Green Light (The Adventurers)

Red Light/Green Light: We took turns holding the signs and being the traffic light and practiced paying close attention to the signs. The green sign meant that we had to run as fast as we could to get to the other side. When the red sign was up, we had to stop.

Group Hug
Monkey Board Game: We also played our Clubhouse Monkey Game again. Before we started the game, we discussed how to play fair and be good sports during the game. We practiced using encouraging and kind words such as: "Yeah, you got it."/"Way to go."/"That's okay."
Friendship Board and Tokens: We continued to use our friendship board and earned friendship tokens for showing good friendship behavior throughout session (e.g., cheering, following the group rules, participating in all Clubhouse games, taking over group responsibilities). Each student has to earn three friendship tokens that are traded in for a prize at the end of each session.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Games Galore: Dancing with Scarves (The Explorers)

1. Warm-up game “Dancing with Scarves”: Today, we danced with scarves. We listened to classical music and experimented what different movements we could create with the scarves. We produced big and small waves, walked and ran with the scarves, threw the scarves in the air and tried to catch them.

2. Art Project “Water Color Painting”:  Students painted small mat board squares with markers and then brushed water onto the paintings. We will turn the paintings into activities cards that will be used for a game later on.

3. We also practiced making a group decision. The students had a choice between playing "Zingo" and "Bowling." Most students favored the "Bowling Game," which we then played as a group. We worked on cheering for our friends and team spirit while bowling.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Games Galore: Water Balloon Relay (The Adventurers)

  • “Water Balloon Relay”: Everyone loved the water balloon relay. The students partnered up with a peer and went around obstacles while carrying a tray with a water balloon. At the end of the course, the water balloons were tossed into hula hoops. Team spirit was our focus throughout the game.
    •  Monkey Board Game: Today, we were excited to play our self-made board game for the first time. Since we decorated it with lots of monkey stickers, we officially named it the Clubhouse Monkey Game. The goal of the game is to move from the start to the finish line by rolling the dice and moving the number of spaces shown. The player whose turn it is picks up an activity card of the corresponding color he or she lands on and follows the instructions, e.g., "The monkeys are taking a nap. Stay were you are." / "Do the Clubhouse chant with a friend and then move forward 3 spaces."

    • Snack Time: During snack time, we worked on taking over group responsibilities such as setting the table and practiced engaging in conversations with our friends. We talked about our favorite snacks and Clubhouse games.

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    Games Galore: Musical Chairs with Hula Hoop (The Explorers)

    • Musical Chairs with Hula Hoops: Hula hoops were spread out in the room. When the music played the students danced around the hula hoops. When the music stopped, the students found a hula hoop to stand in. With each stoppage of the music, one of the hula hoops was removed. Everyone did a fantastic job dancing together and sharing the hula hoops.
    Sharing a hula hoop with friends.
    • Zingo: We played "Zingo" again today and practiced taking turns and waiting our turns as well as following the rules of the game. 
    • Favorite Activity of the Day: At the end of each Clubhouse day, we determine our favorite activity of the day. Each Clubhouse student attaches one or two smiley face to our activity schedule board and shares with the group what games or activities she or he liked best.

    Thursday, May 12, 2011

    Games Galore: Rescue Relay (The Adventurers)

    Today, we focused on working together and helping each other, as well as team spirit.

    Small Group Art Project 'Board Game': The students were divided into two groups. Each group created a board game together.

      Dania and Jared are decorating our game board.
      1. We decorated the game board and the landing spots.  
      2. We glued the landing spots onto the board alternating the different colors. 
      3. We brainstormed some ideas what to write on the backs of the activities cards of the game, e.g., “Move forward two spaces.” “Give your friends high 5s.” “Miss a turn.”  
      We can't wait to play the game when we see each other next week.

              RESCUE ME!
            “Rescue Relay” : The students lined up next to each other with the exception of 1 player who stood at the opposite site facing his teammates. On a starting signal, the single player ran to his teammates, grasped one by his wrist or hand, and ran back to his side. The rescued player then got another teammate from the opposite side. The relay continued until all players had been rescued. Everyone loved this new game.

                  During the closing ritual, we continued to practice our new BIA handshake. We are getting really good at remembering the chant and the different hand movements when we partner up with a friend to say goodbye at the end of the day. 

                  Here is the chant we came up with at our first meeting: "Soccer, baseball, bowling, tennis, Olympics - Games Galore!" 

                      Wednesday, May 11, 2011

                      Games Galore: Obstacle Course "Rock Salt" (The Explorers)

                      • Warm-up game “Listen & Move”: We continued to practice our new game "Listen & Move." Everyone did an excellent job listening to the music and performing the corresponding movements. One of our favorite movements is to pretend to gallop like a horse. 
                      • Snack Time: We all love snack time at Clubhouse. Today, we practiced requesting and taking over group responsibilities such as handing out cups to our friends.

                      • Obstacle Course: Students partnered up to go through an obstacle course. They carried a small cup with rock salt and filled a tube with the salt. Everyone was very careful not to spill the rock salt. Our favorite stomp rockets were placed at the end of the obstacle course.
                      Gabe is pouring rock salt into the tube.

                      Thursday, May 5, 2011

                      Games Galore: Hiss (The Adventurers)

                      • Greeting Ritual: The students took turns being the Clubhouse announcer during our greeting ritual.
                             Here is how our BIA greeting chant goes:
                             Announcer: "Check, check, check it out."
                             Group: "What, what what's it all about?"
                             Announcer: "Jared is in the house."
                             Group: "Hi, Jared. Hi, Jared. Hi, Jared."
                             Jared: "Hi, everybody."
                      • Warm-up Game “Balloon Volleyball”: We revisited this popular game. Students were divided into two equal teams with all players seated on the floor. A line was placed on the floor to separate the two teams. The students hit a balloon back and forth across the line. More balloons were added to make the game more challenging. Teamwork was crucial to keep the balloon up in the air.

                      • Turn-taking game “Hiss”: Students were divided into two teams and engaged in the game of “Hiss.”  "Hiss" is a great game for all ages and skill levels. The players match colors and make snakes from heads to tails. It can be played as a cooperative game, i.e., all players work together to get as many completed snakes as possible or each player plays against the others. We focused on cooperation today and we all worked together to finish long and short snakes and put them into our snake pit. At the end of the game, we all enjoyed a special treat "Snake Gummies". Slither....

                      Wednesday, May 4, 2011

                      Games Galore: Zingo (The Explorers)

                      • Music Time "Listen & Move": The song introduces different rhythms representing a specific movement the students are encouraged to perform. We practiced six different movements as well as our listening skills: walk, gallop, tiptoe, run, skate, and hop. 

                        • Turn-taking Game “Zingo”: Students were divided into small groups and engaged in the turn-taking game “Zingo":  A plastic dispenser deals out two plastic tiles per turn, the first player to see a match between the picture on the tile and on their cards gets to claim the tile. This is a great board game that focuses on vocabulary, matching, social interaction, attention and focus. And it is fun!
                        It's a match!