The Clubhouse is the Behavioral Intervention Association's ( after-school program. Once a week, children between the ages of 5 and 12, who have communication and social challenges, meet and engage in fun activities to practice different social skills. The Explorers focus on skills such as staying with the group, greetings, turn taking, participating independently in activities, and brief exchanges with peers. The Adventurers focus on skills such as initiating and maintaining conversations, perspective taking, and negotiating with peers.

BIA Clubhouse: Where Friendship Rules

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Games Galore: Rescue Relay (The Adventurers)

Today, we focused on working together and helping each other, as well as team spirit.

Small Group Art Project 'Board Game': The students were divided into two groups. Each group created a board game together.

    Dania and Jared are decorating our game board.
    1. We decorated the game board and the landing spots.  
    2. We glued the landing spots onto the board alternating the different colors. 
    3. We brainstormed some ideas what to write on the backs of the activities cards of the game, e.g., “Move forward two spaces.” “Give your friends high 5s.” “Miss a turn.”  
    We can't wait to play the game when we see each other next week.

            RESCUE ME!
          “Rescue Relay” : The students lined up next to each other with the exception of 1 player who stood at the opposite site facing his teammates. On a starting signal, the single player ran to his teammates, grasped one by his wrist or hand, and ran back to his side. The rescued player then got another teammate from the opposite side. The relay continued until all players had been rescued. Everyone loved this new game.

                During the closing ritual, we continued to practice our new BIA handshake. We are getting really good at remembering the chant and the different hand movements when we partner up with a friend to say goodbye at the end of the day. 

                Here is the chant we came up with at our first meeting: "Soccer, baseball, bowling, tennis, Olympics - Games Galore!" 

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